Friday, August 21, 2009

Deficit EXPLODES to $9 Trillion; Introducing the 10th Amendment; Cash 4 Clunkers Success or Failure?

Upcoming Episode
Deficit EXPLODES to $9 Trillion; Introducing the 10th Amendment; Cash 4 Clunkers Success or Failure?
Date / Time: 8/22/2009 10:00 PM EST
Call-in Number: (646) 716-9648

Plus a review of all the important news and events that are of critical importance to the Red States of America.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gallup: All 50 States Lean Conservative; Robert Novak, RIP; Congressional Nervous Breakdown

Upcoming Episode
Gallup: All 50 States Lean Conservative; Robert Novak, RIP; Congressional Nervous Breakdown
Date / Time: 8/19/2009 10:00 PM EST
Call-in Number: (646) 716-9648

Plus a review of all the important news and events that are of critical importance to the Red States of America.