Friday, October 23, 2009

The Congressional Scam That Failed! White House Attempts to Bar Fox News! U.S. a Banana Republic?

Upcoming Episode
The Congressional Scam That Failed! White House Attempts to Bar Fox News! U.S. a Banana Republic?
Date / Time: 10/24/2009 10:00 PM EST
Call-in Number: (646) 716-9648

Plus a review of all the important news and events that are of critical importance to the Red States of America.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Obama to Cede U.S. Sovereignty? WH Declares War on Fox News! U.S to Become a Banana Republic?

Upcoming Episode
Obama to Cede U.S. Sovereignty? WH Declares War on Fox News! U.S to Become a Banana Republic?
Date / Time: 10/21/2009 10:00 PM EST
Call-in Number: (646) 716-9648

Plus a review of all the important news and events that are of critical importance to the Red States of America.